About Us

About SavingmyPiggy
Every minute, every second a new entrepreneur gives birth to a new business. We all stand in a big room, struggling to get out of tiny window. The harsh truth is that most of us die in the stampede and very few survive whom we call Businessmen and women.

     All those who're successful are as normal as most of us, but they had an action plan, a plan to beat the competition and sit at the throne. They knew the shortest distance to the window and techniques to get out of a choking window. 
Author: Savingmypiggy
   Hi! I am Mohnik, the face behind this small but yet emerging blog, SavingmyPiggy. It started as an unplanned blog. I had been blogging for almost four years then. You don't think four years are long enough? Well, I failed more than sixteen blogs in that short span of four years. I was shattered and thinking of starting another one, bankrupt to even buy a domain. Yes! One could laugh at my audacity. I was thinking of a niche and savingmypiggy popped-up in my head. 'Why don't I write about all my failed blogs!' There is always a beautiful outcome of a failure, a result of afflictions, a valuable lesson. Sixteen blogs were quite enough to gift me a bag full of lessons and loopholes. And I decided to start SavingmyPiggy.
 SavingmyPiggy is all about interpreting and teaching the techniques and loopholes of sucessful online businesses. We present you action-plans, covering each tiny detail and help you carve the best version of entrepreneur inside you.

We're different from other blogs and websites. We tell you the loopholes of making money online. Working hard and smart is the perfect duo. Hardwork relies upon you, we teach you to be smart.

Here are the topics we cover:

  • Money Blogging
  • Making money from YouTube
  • Making money as a Freelancer
  • Earning Income from Affiliate Marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • YouTube SEO.
  • Blogger SEO 
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